Thursday, September 24, 2009

Liquid Candy Tax Proposal

The Student Blogger just read an article on a Proposed Soda Tax by the website Grist. org

Obama has recently proposed a tax on soda that would increase the price of a $1 2-liter bottle of soda by $0.64. What's with the increase?


According to Marion Nestle, "Regardless of income or ethnicity, adults who drink one or more sodas or other sugar-sweetened beverages every day are 27 percent more likely to be overweight or obese."

The Obama administration seems to hope that this tax will deter people from drinking this factor of obesity. But here's the other part. The tax could potentially earn up to $14.8 BILLION this year. That's BILLION. Can you imagine all that money being put towards programs that would support healthy nutrition towards children and people of all walks of life? This could be monumental.

Coke is against the idea. “I have never seen it work where a government tells people what to eat and what to drink,’’ Kent, the Coca-Cola CEO, said. “If it worked, the Soviet Union would still be around.” Kent also called the soda tax “outrageous.”

At the time, there is no proposed legislation in Congress on the bill and the plausibility of it even passing are slim.

What do you think? Would the soda tax defer you from drinking more soda? Would you think twice about what you put into your mouth? What do you think the administration should do with the money if it were to ever pass? Are you against the idea?

What will it take for Americans to self-promote healthy eating habits to our youngest generation and the world?

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Generation We

The Student Blogger challenges every teenager to react in some way to this video. We hope that it is positively.

One Tray

This video hits the spot when it comes to our lunch food crisis.
The Student Blogger wishes lunch food could magically become good like in this video!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Documentary Fever

The movie craze of the summer is coming to a close and now what are we to do?

How about hosting a documentary lovers party! bet! But what's more memorable than a bunch of your friends watching a bunch of documentaries while arguing with all the stupid people trying to mess up our world. You know what I mean, Wal-Mart execs so believe that they are making a better world for us.

Here are a few of the Student Bloggers must see documentaries:

Category: The Issues
-Flow: Suppress your urge to use the bathroom during the opening because this movie will cause you to re-evaluate the way we view the world of water and the business forming around this "god-given gift."
-An Inconvenient Truth: Some of the science may be outdated in this old movie, but if ya need a little Al Gore and some reasons to fight climate change, watch on.
-Stolen Childhoods: The equivalent of a tear-busting drama. This movie evaluates the issue of child labor and what the solutions are. You'll never be so thankful to go to school.
-Food Inc: I recommend holding off on the snacks for this documentary. It's time to come to terms with the true definition of good food.

Category: Inspiration
-Planet Earth: Be prepared to be amazed.

Category: The Downright Controversial
-Try anything made by Stephen Moore

Now sit back, relax and think.

Hummer vs Prius

There was recently a member ship drive for clubs at a local school. One of the clubs, the school's sustainability club, did a raffle and went around the gym giving away free gift certificates to one of the store's donating to the raffle, IF they could get the question right.

The students were randomly asked the two following questions:
1) Which one emits more gas: a Hummer or a Prius?
2) Which one is more energy efficient: an incandescent or CFL lightbulb?

Unfortunately, four out of five answered the first question incorrectly and one person answered the CFL question correctly.


Even in a time where climate change is the topic in schools, our students can't even answer the simplest of questions about it.

Let's hope this is just a couple people who had a brain fart and not the direction our leaders are heading towards!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Current Events

Does it bother anyone that teenagers and students in general seem oblivious to what is going on in the world around them?
And since when has the news gotten so messed up? It is understandable that teens don't want to know about the world around them because the way the news presents it. Students want news that pertains to them. We want current events that show both the good and the bad in the world, while remaining accurate and concise. None of those stories that are sad and play no role in our lives. It is very sad when the little girl gets kidnapped, but spend two minutes on it. Students often find this part of the news the worst. News anchors spend the most time on sad or irrelevant stories whose sole purpose is to depress us. There is no content to that story.
And we do not want the latest updates on Brittney Spears. We have TMZ for that.

Friday, September 4, 2009

The Ultimate Classroom

Why do our classrooms have to be so boring? Why must we be kept in monotomy of rows of desks in stark white rooms?
What would be your perfect classroom?
A pale, calming blue would definitely be a cool color that would help students relax. What if we had a writing podium in the back for kids who just need to stand up? Wouldn't it be cool to have desks with cushions on them?
How about designing a classroom of the future?
Well, you just read the student blogger's mind. Architecture of Humanity wants you to create the next classroom with all the cool gadgets that will help students make the most of learning.
Check it out:

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Remembering World War II

Today,Poland and the world remembers the 70th anniversary of the outbreak of World War II.
How will you ensure that hatred never enters your life or the life of those around you?