Thursday, September 24, 2009

Liquid Candy Tax Proposal

The Student Blogger just read an article on a Proposed Soda Tax by the website Grist. org

Obama has recently proposed a tax on soda that would increase the price of a $1 2-liter bottle of soda by $0.64. What's with the increase?


According to Marion Nestle, "Regardless of income or ethnicity, adults who drink one or more sodas or other sugar-sweetened beverages every day are 27 percent more likely to be overweight or obese."

The Obama administration seems to hope that this tax will deter people from drinking this factor of obesity. But here's the other part. The tax could potentially earn up to $14.8 BILLION this year. That's BILLION. Can you imagine all that money being put towards programs that would support healthy nutrition towards children and people of all walks of life? This could be monumental.

Coke is against the idea. “I have never seen it work where a government tells people what to eat and what to drink,’’ Kent, the Coca-Cola CEO, said. “If it worked, the Soviet Union would still be around.” Kent also called the soda tax “outrageous.”

At the time, there is no proposed legislation in Congress on the bill and the plausibility of it even passing are slim.

What do you think? Would the soda tax defer you from drinking more soda? Would you think twice about what you put into your mouth? What do you think the administration should do with the money if it were to ever pass? Are you against the idea?

What will it take for Americans to self-promote healthy eating habits to our youngest generation and the world?

1 comment:

  1. I actually recently stopped drinking soda, and I haven't had any for about a month now, and I think it's doing me good.

    This idea has good intentions, but it might not work out so well for lower middle class and lower class families. Healthy drinks are more expensive than sodas, and don't come in large family packs like sodas do. Money may be of more concern to those families than the possibility of unhealthiness or obesity.
